
it'z march okeyh

salam 'alaik!!
fuh da bln mac da rpenye
my laz post was in jan I guess

sowie bloggy
not my intention to neglect u
but u've neglected

act nk bwat pengumuman wlaopon cm da agak telat


it' about 5 days ago
to be accurate 4 days ago

Ques=How do you feel?
Ans=seyes..nothing felt like....ermmm...WHAT!! so fast my one year has gone without I notice it..what a waste I didn't do well act..I did not try my bez,juz playing-playing-and-playing
Ans=haish..xcaye sudah ngeh3

I'm not regreting wat I did b4 diz coz I noe I tried my bez in struggling for both -dunia n akhirat-
but only Allah noes whether -accepted or rejected-

so pas ni tinggl tunggu result,myb another two weeks
if my result is like super gempak n Allah still want to give more 'rezki' i'll be going for pre medic in April
so Allah noes d best 4 me n others

klu x~
cuti lme la hamdin
and hamdin kne g klas english sbb ur eng is sooooo terok
see I've prove dat
I'm not shock if my eng is totally bad bcoz
I'm not d minah salleh

my laz paper tuk diz sem ialah CHM095
(mogek gler tlis course code)
paper tu mmg totally make me
breathless-tired-exhausted-frustrated-sad-speechless-bad moodest
fuh sessh fizik pn paper chm tu double ssh
da xmmpu da nk cmmnt pape
tawakkal je lah
mmg hamdin xseyes study pon datz why la
so hamdin mmg xykin tuk diz sem
nmpknye I had to say "goodbye smnnjg m'sia" again
act xkisa pn juz worried bout my mom je
my mom yg bkl ssh coz nk kne spend money
dr dlu mmg ank dara die sorg ni yg slalu timbulkn masalah da xd org len da
sori ma I do not have any intention to do so
xpe I gave my bez juz Allah sje yg kte bole count on
and as usual my mom will say
"xpela kak..nnt kt pdg mahsyar Allah xtanye kakak dpt bpe pointer tem asasi dlu...tp Allah akn tanye,ape yg kte bwat semasa kakak blaja asasi"
okeyh ma I'll remember dat by hard

so kli ni hamdin xbpe ykin ngn rsult math ngn chm hmdin bb I'm having problm wif both d papers in conclusion -tawakkal-

then ari rabu ptg pas abis hamdin mmg totally hilg mood bkn hamdin nk pon I tried to say to myself 'smile-smile-smile' only my lips do but not my kokoro it'z hard 4 me to gain back d strength after struggling hardest 4 juz one paper...
fuh I can still feel it till now ~d fatigue
xperna jwb soklan exam smpai t'cungp2 cmtu
(xcpt test 2 m3 bb kalut tkn calcltr punye psl)
yg nie lg pnat-pnat sgt2
so mlm tu da plan ngn nani-mkn piza hut kt blakang-tgk yu hee smpi abis
mlm tu hamdin tpkse kuatkn hati tuk mncri kmbli serpihan2 hati yg hncur kt drmm

n for d 1st tem hamdin habis mkn dlu dr nani xtw r sbb lapar or mlpskn gram
myb due2 bb pastu hamdin rse lega sgt2
relieved gler
biasalah tem hamdin rse xbrsmgt mknn mrupekn slh stu sumber tok hamdin gain d happy mood
yelah org ske mkn mmg r
so I spent all d night k tmpt piza n kt blik smpi kul 3 hmdin da lentok

I think da lme hamdin x blogging bb tu rse cm byk mmbebel lak
k datz all for dis entry nnt hmdin smbg ag

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