seems like I was totally bz diz few months buktinye my blog terbiar jew without me typing it hehhehh
jgn mara bloggy
act arini hamdin tgh on d mood nk blogging bb org sekeliling hamdin sume tgh bsedih...
diz week je mcm2 yg happen...
so friends hope korg tabah n menguatkn diri dlm menempuh segala cubaan yg Allah bg
manusia mmg xleh lari dr masalah actually ade je yg dtg xkire mase tempat n waktu
juz kte yg kne pandai handle
hehhheehheeh ter'emo lak
so tonite hamdin nk stay up bg menyiapkan segala perkara yg hamdin perlu selesaikan
it's not bout someone's else problem but it's bout my homework ngeh3
so lg 5 more weeks b4 my totally final exam
hamdin perlu betol2 skor dis sem bg membolehkan hamdin merealisasikn impian n cita2
I need strength fuh but I know I already have it as Allah has given to me all this while until now juz me yg kne pndai tuk menggunaknnye pakai akal yg dkurniakn...
so hope hamdin bole survive as an asasi sc student for 5 more weeks..cewah cm lme xlme r kne pndai survive bb exam mkin dkat but hamdin xprepare pon
sbenaye post ni hamdin nk talk random je
xde perkara khusus
act arini hamdin dilanda satu lg dilema...
ade sorg nie hamdin rapat ngn die juz die sdg menghadapi masalah skarang nie cme die msih blom bersedia tuk meluahkannye kpd sesape..
die sedg bengang ngn seseorg
totally itz not me bb die ciap2 brlakon yg die in d good mood dpn hamdin
tp dgn kwn die yg len die x seceria spt mne die ceria ngn hamdin
but I can feel die ade masalah yg tersimpan dlm hati die juz die xmmpu myb tuk melepaskannye
pnat hamdin pikir ape sebb nye juz can't figure out bb die asyik bpura2 happy ngn I so xtaw cne nk start conversation ngn die
n FYI I'm not good at talking wif d people I care
seriously dr dlu lg
I keeep hurting their feeling but on d other side I really care bout them
smpai skarang my habit xubah2
cm tu gak
totally I want to change dat kind of attitude
tp xdpt gak
ble hamdin syg seseorg org tu mesti terluka
n d problem is
hamdin susah xsyg kt org lg2 yg mmg rapat ngn hamdin
walaupon mcm2 yg dorg da bwat tp hamdin xpenah nk terasa ngn pe yg dorg bwat n sbb prangai hamdin yg ssh nk terasa,I felt org pon xterasa ngn pe yg hamdin
sbenaye penyataan tu totally wrong ye...
jgn tiru aksi nie d rumah
kdg2 kte susah tuk memahami diri kite sendiri
Maha Pencipta je yg lbih memahami diri kte lebih dr kte memahami diri kite sndiri
kdg2 tem kte tgh sedih Allah lebih tahu pe yg kte perlukn wlaupon kte merasakn kte memerlukn benda len tuk menenangkan hati kte
jd ble kte sedih byk yg kte leh bwat tuk melegakn diri
xkisah la pape yg pnting xmelanggar syariat yg dtetapkn
pernah x korg jumpe dgn seseorg yg korg rse sronok je ble bborak ngn die
tp korg bru je kenal,but korg rse selesa tuk bercerita mengenai kisah hidup korg ngn org tuh n korg akan berasa puas pastu tetibe korg lost cntct ngn org berkenaan........
so hamdin sdg melalui kisah nie tp hamdin percaye ade hikmah dsebalik sume nie
hamdin hilg kwan2 yg hamdin syg mmg rse sedih
tp sume milik Allah
Allah juz pinjamkn je tuk kte
so as I said entry kli ni juz random topic
hope hamdin bole jumpe lg ngn dorg someday somehow
wlaupon hamdin tawu dorg tu da xingt lnsung pon kt hamdin
t'emo lg la plak
so diz is totally not hamdin
I dun like this scenery where d mouth is not working to fold up a smile
working on it
okeyh 100%!!!!!
success is on my hand if I wish to grab it!!!!!
so today's topic is about how to fold upa smile
any suggestion??
can't think~~
myb datz all
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