
afTeR fiVe daYs xuPDate bLog NiE


xtw la da terlambat blum tuk ucpkan

selamat mengingati Isra' Mikraj

ari isnin lpas aritu kn???


actually arini aku baru abis jwab test bio....
trok gler!salah sepuluh lbih kurg r

nmpaknye kne struggle lah cuti seminggu nie
mne xnye test math n chemy aritu da terok plus bio ni..fizik xyah r ckp en mmg confirm..phm2la conpem ape..hek3...tp hope tak r

tp ak realise mmg aku xckup study

actually soklan objektif tu dpt full mark juz tem fill in d blanks tu hilang lima markah...blum cmpor structural n diagram yg ak tlupa label hydrophobic ngn hydrophilic r....ak juz label phospholipid bilayer jer....huaaa dpt satu markah je...xpe2 alhamdulillah at least xd r terlalu teruk....

so hamdin

study la apa lagi

"ko tgh bwat pe ni hamdin??"

"ntah lah aku pon xtaw?!"

"bukan esok ko test physic ke??"

"ha'ah la ape yg aku bwat nie..."

actually ktorg kt melati nie td ade


smpai bilik kul 12:39 td..

then hamdin terasa penat sgt plus ngntok so sje dtg ngadu kt nomorstarqzk

bole x??
nomorstarqzk pon ngntok gak..

so d moral of da story is sbenarnye

hamdin nk ckp yg jumaat nie hamdin da cuti..nk blik umah n have a lil rest..


hamdin kne study tuk cover hamdin punyer subject ni

hamdin kne fhmkan sume..

da taw tu bguslah..so blik nnt hamdin study taw jgn asyik tdor je..one week tu kne cover empat2 subjek taw xbole meng'anakangkatkan mne subjek....

inilh hasilnye klu update blog mlm2 buta n esok ad test fizik tp bole rileks lg....da hamdin p study!!!

k gotta go.... chiowzzz n salam!!!

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